Wind, wind and more wind. It's wild out there.. for sure ! The hammock outside my window is swaying back and forth as the leaves hold on with the last of what they've got left! So sad... to watch as these last summer memories fall to the earth and the time of change in direction cold has become unstoppable at this point. My eyes squint at the sight of sun.. grey shades are painted on the sky for the next couple of months...
I've stocked up on books that I am devouring to the point that I have to force myself to stop in the wee early hours of the morning and am kind of starting to embrace the thought of big cashmere sweaters, tights, knee socks, endless amounts of scarves and layers over layers.. Get ready for bag lady over here! I do have to improvise this until mid Dec. though, since my extended staying in Santa Fe was rather spontaneous and my suitcase was only planned for sunshine and happy days.. Wow am I starting to miss my treasures back home (Which just so conveniently happen to be thousands & 1000s of km's away!!! ) Almost my dears!! less then 2 months! (Yes I do see my clothing as little children of mine that must be cared and attended to at all times.. every single piece has a story and special meaning to me) Call me crazy!
This 'shoot' was probably one of my more adventurous.. Climbing in trees with that very determined wind.. felt kind of funny as the tree kept swaying back and forth with me in it.. yes.. the thought did cross my mind if we would tip over united..